My Blog.

shopping - 21/08/24 - 17:15

first blog - 19/08/24 - 23:21

hi! Welcome to my website! I'm pretty proud of what ive done in just HTML. I know it looks pretty shitty but I think as long as I like it, that's all that matters. There will be an "About Me" section on the Homepage but I'm too tired at the minute. I added three other webpages and changed the background and made the title + the webpage buttons in MS Paint. I'm going to continue working on this so if it seems like there's not much on here yet, I am in the process of changing that. I'd like to add a chat box so you can comment on what you'd like on here and so I can talk with you too but I dunno how to do that yet. I honestly cannot belive that 189 people have viewed my site so THANK YOU ALL!!! I find doing this website pretty relaxing tbh. Weird, isn't it? This website is so I don't have to deal with fuckin social media. I don't have any social media. It's so plain and boring. This takes a little more effort coz it's coding but it isn't too hard. Also everything on social media is just either fucking right winged shits yelling about how lefts want to fuck animals or sex bots tryin to sell you 5 bilion pound EN EF FUCKING TEES. You won't get any of that on here though! I might make another blog about the customisability on social media and why it's shit or whateva but I gotta get off now so cya l8r!! :3

if u would like to contact me my email is: